
LED mirror makes for a tidy bathroom - Japan Today

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If you’ve lived in Japan, you’ll know that certain apartments can sometimes feel even tighter because of the lack of space. Take the kitchen counter for example. If you’re savvy enough you’ll find ways to make the barely visible space between your drying rack and kitchen sink workable. Making space on your bathroom sink though, now that’s another story. Handmade Kitchen Sink

LED mirror makes for a tidy bathroom - Japan Today

While you can stack kitchen appliances on top of each other, the same rule doesn’t always apply for bathrooms. If you’re lucky, sometimes your bathroom sink has storage behind the mirror. Otherwise, you end up with your toothpaste, toothbrush, handwash and facewash crammed in a line. 

The Thanko LED Mirror solves hits three birds with one stone. It dispenses handwash via a sensor, has an LED ring light all while freeing up precious counter space. The mirror itself is also magnified so you’ll be able to do your makeup or skincare more accurately. 

This mirror goes for ¥4,280 and is available on the official website. 

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I saw a similar, very modern mirror in a Tofu restaurant that we frequent. Very impressive. I would like to have one in our house. I wonder where one would shop for one.

I wonder where one would shop for one.

I could be wrong, but Thanko-fully the Thanko-ad for this Thanko mirror Thanko-points you towards the Thanko website. No need to Thanko me.

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LED mirror makes for a tidy bathroom - Japan Today

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