
Charge a portable power station with this $270 folding solar panel - The Jerusalem Post

If you want a way to make sure you can recharge your phone or keep a portable power station running, solar power is a reliable, low-cost solution . Solar panels even work in cloudy weather , but it’s important to find one that’s compatible with a variety of different devices. The Fanttik 100W Portable Solar Panel is a durable high-efficiency solar panel that could help you keep your devices running when you’re on a long camping trip or dealing with a power outage, and it’s only $269.99 (reg. $299).  Save on a foldable solar panel 

Power up your solar-compatible battery or portable power station using this convenient solar solution. The Fanttik Panel was designed to plug into the Fanttik EVO Portable Power Station , but you could also use it to power sealed lead-acid batteries, colloidal lead-acid batteries, or open lead-acid batteries.  Emergency Portable Power Station

Charge a portable power station with this $270 folding solar panel - The Jerusalem Post

Just plug your panel into a compatible battery and wait for it to convert up to 23% of the received energy into usable electricity. Don’t put away your Fanttik if it gets cloudy. The one-piece design is IP65- waterproof and dustproof, so it’s even protected against low pressure water streams coming from any angle. 

Each Fanttik Panel is lightweight with a built-in handle for easy transportation. The sturdy construction means you could easily pack them away when it’s time to move camp or when the lights come back on. If the worst does happen and some damage does come to the panel, the separate monocrystalline construction means damage to one piece may not affect the functionality of the rest of the panel.  Capture the power of the sun 

A little sunlight could help you run your favorite kitchen appliances or recharge your phone. Just hook your solar panel up to a compatible battery and start charging. Get a Fanttik 100W Portable Solar Panel on sale for $269.99, down 9% from its regular price of $299. 

Prices subject to change. 

Charge a portable power station with this $270 folding solar panel - The Jerusalem Post

220v Power Station This article was made in collaboration with The Jerusalem Post Deals.